Digital Marketing Metrics Made Simple: CPA and AOV FAQ’s

Welcome to our straightforward guide on Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) and Average Order Value (AOV) in digital marketing. Whether you’re new to these concepts or looking to refresh your knowledge, these FAQ’s will help you understand and improve these crucial metrics across your marketing channels. Let’s dive into the key questions that will help you optimise your digital marketing efforts and boost your bottom line.

1. What's our current CPA and AOV by channel?

Establishing baseline CPAs and AOVs for each marketing channel (e.g., paid search, social media, display advertising) is the first step in optimisation. This data provides a clear starting point and allows you to track progress over time. For example, you might find that your CPA for paid search is £50 with an AOV of £200, while social media has a CPA of £40 with an AOV of £150. These baselines help you identify which channels are most efficient and where there’s room for improvement.

2. What's our profit margin per product or service?

Understanding your profit margins is crucial for determining acceptable CPAs. If your product or service has a 30% profit margin and sells for £100, your maximum allowable CPA to break even would be £30. However, you’d typically aim for a CPA well below this to ensure profitability. For services with recurring revenue, you might be able to tolerate a higher initial CPA if the lifetime value justifies it.

3. How does seasonality affect our CPA and AOV?

Seasonal trends can significantly impact both CPA and AOV. For instance, an e-commerce store might see lower CPAs and higher AOVs during the holiday season due to increased consumer spending. Conversely, a B2B service might experience higher CPAs in summer months when decision-makers are often on vacation. Understanding these patterns allows you to adjust your budgets and strategies accordingly, potentially increasing spend during high-performing seasons and focusing on efficiency during slower periods.

4. What's our customer lifetime value (CLV)?

CLV is a crucial metric for contextualising CPA. If your average customer makes repeat orders over time, you can justify a higher initial CPA. For example, if your CLV is £1000 over three years, you might be willing to spend more on acquisition than if you only considered the first purchase. This is particularly important for services and subscription-based businesses or those with high customer loyalty.

5. How do our CPAs and AOVs compare to industry benchmarks?

Industry benchmarks provide valuable context for your performance. If your CPA for paid social ads is £50 and the industry average is £30, it signals potential for improvement. However, if your AOV is significantly higher than the benchmark, it might justify the higher CPA. Remember that benchmarks should guide, not dictate, your strategies, as your specific business model and target market may justify deviations from industry averages.

6. Which products or services drive the highest AOV?

Identifying high-AOV products or services can guide your marketing focus. For example, if you find that your premium product line has an AOV of £500 compared to £200 for standard products, you might allocate more budget to campaigns promoting these premium items. This could involve creating specific ad groups or targeting strategies for high-value products. However, balance this with consideration of profit margins and acquisition costs, as higher AOV doesn’t always equate to higher profitability.

7. How do CPAs differ for new vs. returning customers?

Typically, acquiring new customers is more expensive than retaining existing ones. You might find that your CPA for new customers is £100, while re-engaging a previous customer only costs £25. This insight can help you balance your budget between acquisition and retention strategies. It might also justify investing in loyalty programs or email marketing to encourage repeat purchases at a lower cost.

8. What's our website's conversion rate by channel?

Conversion rates directly impact CPA. If your paid search ads have a 5% conversion rate while your social media ads convert at 2%, it indicates where you might need to focus optimisation efforts. Low conversion rates could signal issues with ad relevance, landing page design, or targeting. Improving these elements can lower your CPA without increasing ad spend.

9. How do mobile and desktop CPAs and AOVs differ?

In many industries, mobile and desktop performance can vary significantly. You might find that mobile has a lower CPA but also a lower AOV, while desktop users convert less frequently but make larger purchases. This insight can guide device-specific bidding strategies and inform decisions about mobile site optimisation or app development.

10. What's our average sales cycle length by channel?

Understanding sales cycle length is crucial, especially for B2B or high-consideration purchases. If your paid search leads take an average of 30 days to convert while social media leads convert in 15 days, it affects how you measure and optimise campaigns. Longer sales cycles might require you to look at assisted conversions and adjust attribution models accordingly.

11. How do different ad formats (e.g., text, display, video) affect CPA and AOV?

Different ad formats can yield varying results. Video ads might have a higher CPA but also drive higher AOV, justifying the increased cost. Display ads might have a low CPA but also lower AOV, making them more suitable for awareness campaigns. Understanding these differences helps in allocating budget and setting appropriate expectations for each format.

12. What's our return on ad spend (ROAS) by channel?

ROAS provides a more holistic view of marketing efficiency than CPA alone. If Channel A has a CPA of £50 and an AOV of £200 (ROAS of 4:1), while Channel B has a CPA of £100 but an AOV of £500 (ROAS of 5:1), Channel B is actually performing better despite the higher CPA. This metric helps balance CPA and AOV considerations in budget allocation decisions.

13. How do CPAs and AOVs vary by geographic location?

Geographic variations can be significant. You might find that urban areas have higher CPAs but also higher AOVs, while rural areas are cheaper to advertise in but yield lower order values. This information can guide location-based bidding strategies and help you identify untapped markets or areas for efficiency improvements.

14. What's the impact of retargeting on our CPA and AOV?

Retargeting often yields lower CPAs and higher AOVs because you’re reaching people who have already shown interest. You might find that retargeting campaigns have a CPA 50% lower than prospecting campaigns and drive 20% higher AOV. This can justify allocating a significant portion of your budget to retargeting, while balancing it with prospecting to maintain a healthy sales funnel.

15. How do different bidding strategies affect our CPA?

Experimenting with bidding strategies can significantly impact CPA. Manual CPC might give you more control but require more management, while automated bidding strategies like Target CPA can help maintain consistent acquisition costs. The effectiveness of each strategy can vary by channel and campaign type, so it’s important to test and monitor performance regularly.