Social Media – SEO

Ranjit Dhillon Shares Digital Marketing Tips On Social Media Marketing, Social Networking, Social Media, Social Advertising, Facebook Marketing, Youtube Marketing, Twitter Marketing And Linkedin Marketing

Your SEO/Social strategy could evolve in line with consumer behaviour, keyword search volume and PPC keyword popularity through regular marketing channel analysis.

SEO/Social marketing could become a key piece of your marketing matrix online – You could look to create a merged marketing experience across all channels. You could run engaging competition, offers and videos online to help raise brand and product awareness. You could strive to become a community led brand.

Your SEO/Social strategy could also start with focusing on top 10 generic and long- tail consumer search related keyword’s (outside the your brand). Your social media strategy could support and work in line with Your PPC activity.

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    High level tips

    Use Facebook to engage your audience with regular fresh content and make them feel like part of a community. This should result in brand loyalty and an increased audience.

    Tone of voice

    EG: Authoritative, but friendly and approachable. Chatty when fitting, consistent with your brands Voice…

    How we should expect followers/fans to react

    Once fresh content is added, you would expect to see a good deal of commenting, sharing and likes.

    Expectations, what we want them to do (buy/recommend/ go to website/ enter competition / put on their blog etc)

    I would expect that the Facebook audience could be your most engaged and largest social media following. This, in my opinion, is one of the best of the social media platforms for actively promoting your services. Obviously whatever you decide to do needs to be done carefully and alongside creating plenty of engaging content that could ensure people keep coming back to the page and are seen by others may be engaging with it.

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    High level tips

    Use Twitter to converse with followers in real time, to thank existing customers and reward loyalty, to capitalize on poor customer service by rivals and advice that there is other options available. ‘To grow audience and reach’.

    Tone of voice

    EG: Authoritative, but friendly and approachable. Chatty when fitting, consistent with your brands Voice…

    How we should expect followers/fans to react

    Twitter is excellent for imitating word-of-mouth-style recommendation, so reacting quickly and positively to praise and helpfully to those dissatisfied with other providers could encourage good ‘PR’ about you and your services.

    Expectations, what we want them to do (buy/recommend/ go to website/ enter competition / pot on their blog etc)

    Recommend you, engage in conversation and build a community of brand-loyal followers.

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    High level tips

    Try Pinterest as it helps reach an ever-increasing online audience via the sharing of topic-relevant images plus, it is one of the fastest growing social media and engagement sites which I believe will grow to rival twitter.

    Tone of voice

    Pinterest has no significant ‘voice’ as such as this media channel is primarily visual, but a friendly consistent tone as used on the other platforms could work well.

    How we should expect followers/fans to react

    Followers are likely to re-pin (share) content that they like with their followers. This means that any content originated by you could automatically acknowledged as such, getting the name out there to more and more people in a fun and friendly way.

    Expectations, what you want them to do (buy/subscribe recommend/ go to website/ enter competition / put on their blog etc)

    As this is another relatively new platform, your expectations should probably lean towards raising the profile of your brand with a view to gain customer loyalty.

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    High level tips

    LinkedIn is a social networking website for people in professional occupations. It is mainly used for professional networking and making business recommendations. As of June 2012, LinkedIn reported more than 175 million registered users in more than 200 countries and territories. You could look towards engaging with this potential audience.

    You may well have created a LinkedIn company page already; however the growing importance of LinkedIn means it offers a valuable opportunity to increase your online presence and create new business leads. A basic measure of your company page’s success could be number of followers.

    Your could;

    • Ask satisfied customers to post recommendations.
    • Possibly consider making all/key team within your organisation ‘admins’ so that they can update the page as necessary.
    • Invite all your connections to follow the page.
    • Post on other related group pages.
    • Update your company LinkedIn page with content regularly,
    • Use the LinkedIn Insights and Page Statistics tools to find out which of your updates are most popular.
    • Monitor your analytics graphs for spikes in visitor numbers and, whatever we’re doing at these times, keep doing it if it’s working.
    • Put a LinkedIn icon on your homepage along with your other social media buttons in a more visible and prominent place (top right works well).
    • Add a LinkedIn icon link and to your email signatures
    • Add a LinkedIn icon link to your RAF mail-shots (if in existence).
    • Basically, place (LinkedIn) links onto all your social media pages, company websites and emails.
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    High level tips

    YouTube is a video-sharing website on which users can upload, view and share their videos. You tube Uses Adobe Flash Video and HTML5 technology to display a wide variety of user-generated video content, including movie clips, TV clips, and music videos, as well as amateur content such as video blogging and short original videos.

    Most of the content on YouTube has been uploaded by individuals, although media corporations and other organizations offer some of their material via this site, as part of a YouTube partnership program. Unregistered users can watch videos, while registered users can upload an unlimited number of videos.

    Your could;

    • Look at video competitions (e.g. produce a ‘why I love X Site’ video).
    • Look at producing a YouTube Viral to raise your brand awareness.
    • Upload all and any new TV ads if you have produced any.
    • Use your YouTube channel to support your SEO/Social keyword and brand activity.
    • Engage with and increase your video community.
    • You should consider producing a confident and clear YouTube marketing and measurement strategy before delving in this arena.